How to Clean a Bean Bag Chair? Quick and Easy Tips

You and your family love your bean bag chairs, and so do your guests. It’s the most comfortable, sought-after seat in the entire house. It rarely ever gets any downtime. From adults to kids and even pets, your bean bag serves your family and friends well. As such, it’s easy to understand it can get dirty pretty easily. The problem is, how to clean a bean bag chair?

Can you wash the outside of it?

Can you wash the inside? What exactly is inside?

You want to make sure your bean bag looks as pristine as the day you got it, but that can seem like an impossible task if you don’t know how to properly clean it. However, with a little bit of care, your bean bag will stay looking like new for years to come.

Here's everything you need to know about how to clean a bean bag chair.

Key Highlights

Let's get to know the key highlights of how to clean a bean bag chair:

  • Bean bag chairs are a popular and comfortable seating option for the whole family.
  • Regular cleaning and maintenance are important to keep your bean bag chair looking and smelling fresh.
  • Understanding the type of fabric your bean bag chair is made of is crucial for proper cleaning.
  • Pre-cleaning steps like checking the manufacturer's cleaning instructions and removing surface dirt and debris are essential.
  • Spot cleaning with mild detergent and warm water can help tackle tough stains, while deep cleaning methods like washing machines or hand washing are also effective.
  • Drying your bean bag chair properly is important to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Regular cleaning and protection from pets and spills can help maintain your bean bag chair in good condition.

How to Clean a Bean Bag Chair Easily?

How to Clean a Bean Bag Chair Easily

So, how to clean a bean bag chair? To properly clean your bean bag chair, it's important to understand the type of fabric it is made of. Bean bags can be made from a variety of materials, such as vinyl, suede, or even fake fur. Each type of fabric requires a different cleaning method.

For vinyl bean bags, you can use a mild detergent and warm water to wipe down the surface. Leather bean bags may require a leather conditioner for cleaning. Fake fur bean bags can be spot-cleaned with a damp cloth.

Understanding your bean bag's fabric will ensure that you use the appropriate cleaning products and methods for effective cleaning without damaging the material.

Identifying Common Bean Bag Materials

When it comes to bean bags, there are several common materials used. Vinyl bean bags are popular for their durability and easy maintenance. They can be wiped clean with a mild soap and warm water solution for the best results.

Suede bean bags have a soft and luxurious feel but require more delicate cleaning. You can use a suede brush or a damp cloth to remove dirt and stains. Leather bean bags should be treated with a leather conditioner to keep them supple and prevent cracking.

Fake fur bean bags can be spot-cleaned with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Some bean bags also come with removable covers, making them easier to clean as you can simply remove the cover and wash it separately. Identifying the material of your bean bag will help you choose the right cleaning method and products to keep it in good condition.

Importance of Knowing Your Bean Bag's Fabric

Knowing the fabric of your bean bag is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it allows you to choose the right cleaning method and products that won't damage the material. Different fabrics require different cleaning techniques, so using the wrong method can result in discoloration or damage.

Secondly, understanding the fabric will help you determine the durability and longevity of your bean bag chair. Some fabrics are more resistant to stains and wear, while others may require more frequent cleaning or maintenance.

Lastly, if your bean bag chair has a washable cover, knowing the fabric will help you determine the appropriate washing instructions to keep it clean and fresh.

By taking the time to understand your bean bag's fabric, you can ensure proper cleaning and maintenance, prolonging the life of your beloved chair.

Pre-Cleaning Steps for Bean Bag Chairs

Before diving into the cleaning process, there are a few pre-cleaning steps you should take for your bean bag chair.

First, check the manufacturer's cleaning instructions to ensure you do not void any warranty or damage the chair.

Next, remove any surface dirt and debris by using a lint roller or a damp cloth. This will help to remove any loose particles and make the cleaning process more effective. If your bean bag chair has a removable cover, it's a good idea to remove it before cleaning to ensure a thorough clean.

Pre-cleaning steps are essential to ensure that the cleaning process is efficient and effective.

Checking Manufacturer’s Cleaning Instructions

Before you start cleaning your bean bag chair, it's important to check the manufacturer's cleaning instructions. These instructions will provide specific guidelines on how to clean the chair without causing any damage.

Following the manufacturer's instructions is crucial to maintain the warranty of your bean bag chair. Different manufacturers may have different recommendations, so it's important to read and understand the instructions provided.

If the manufacturer advises against certain cleaning methods or products, it's best to follow their advice to avoid any potential damage. Checking the manufacturer's cleaning instructions will ensure that you clean your bean bag chair properly and maintain its quality and durability.

Removing Surface Dirt and Debris

Before diving into the deep cleaning process, it's important to remove any surface dirt and debris from your bean bag chair. This can be done using a lint roller to pick up any loose particles or a damp cloth to wipe away any stains or spills. Make sure to pay attention to all areas of the chair, including the seams and corners.

If your bean bag chair has a removable cover, you can also vacuum it to remove any embedded dirt or debris. Removing surface dirt and debris will make the deep cleaning process more effective and ensure that your bean bag chair is thoroughly cleaned.

Spot Cleaning Your Bean Bag Chair

Spot cleaning is a great way to tackle small stains or spills on your bean bag chair without having to deep clean the entire chair. To spot clean, mix a mild detergent with warm water and apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth. Gently blot the stain, making sure not to rub it in further.

Continue this process until the stain is removed. For tough stains, you may need to repeat the process or use a specialized stain remover, such as laundry detergent. Spot cleaning is a quick and effective way to keep your bean bag chair looking clean and fresh between deep cleanings.

DIY Cleaning Solutions for Quick Fixes

If you're looking for quick fixes to clean your bean bag chair, there are a few DIY cleaning solutions you can try. For general cleaning, a mixture of vinegar and water can be used to remove dirt and freshen up the chair. Baking soda is also effective for absorbing odors and can be sprinkled on the chair before vacuuming.

For tough stains, you can create a paste using baking soda and water or a mild detergent and apply it to the stain in circular motions. This will help break down the stain and make it easier to remove. DIY cleaning solutions are a cost-effective and easy way to keep your bean bag chair clean and fresh.

Tackling Stains Without Damaging the Fabric

When dealing with stains on your bean bag chair, it's important to use gentle cleaning methods to avoid damaging the fabric. Start by mixing a mild soap with warm water to create a cleaning solution.

Apply the solution to the stain and gently rub it in using a clean cloth or sponge. Avoid using harsh scrubbing motions as this can damage the fabric. Instead, use gentle rubbing to lift the stain. Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry with a towel.

If the stain persists, repeat the process or consider using a specialized stain removal product. Tackling stains with care will ensure that your bean bag chair remains in good condition.

Deep Cleaning Methods for a Fresh Bean Bag

Deep cleaning of your bean bag chair is necessary to remove embedded dirt and stains. There are two main methods for deep cleaning: washing machine and hand washing. If your bean bag chair has a removable cover, you can simply remove it and wash it in the washing machine using a mild detergent.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing temperature and cycle settings. If your bean bag chair does not have a removable cover, you can hand wash it using a mild detergent and warm water. Deep cleaning your bean bag chair will leave it looking and smelling fresh.

Hand Washing Techniques for Fabric Safety

If your bean bag chair does not have a removable cover and requires hand washing, there are a few techniques you can use to ensure fabric safety. Fill a basin or sink with warm water and add a small amount of mild soap to create a soapy water solution.

Gently agitate the water to create suds. Submerge the bean bag chair in the water and use your hands to gently rub the fabric in a circular motion. Pay attention to any stained or soiled areas.

Rinse the chair thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Squeeze out any excess water and allow the chair to air dry completely. Hand washing your bean bag chair will help to preserve the fabric and keep it in good condition.

Machine Washing Tips for Removable Covers

If your bean bag chair has a removable cover that is machine washable, there are a few tips to keep in mind for successful cleaning.

First, remove the cover from the bean bag chair. Check the care label for any specific washing instructions, including recommended temperature and cycle settings. Use a mild detergent and add it to the washing machine. Place the cover in the machine and select a gentle cycle.

Once the cycle is complete, remove the cover from the machine and ensure that the zipper is closed. Air drying is recommended to prevent any shrinking or damage to the fabric.

However, if you do decide to machine wash your bean bag cover, it is important to use caution and follow the specific instructions for your cover to avoid any damage. Machine washing the removable cover is an easy and effective way to keep your bean bag chair clean.

Drying Your Bean Bag Chair Properly

Patricia Small Light Pink Dot Kids Bean Bag Chair - living-essentials

Properly drying your bean bag chair is important to prevent mold and mildew growth. If your bean bag chair has a removable cover, it's best to air dry it to ensure that all moisture is evaporated.

Hang the cover in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, until it is completely dry. If your bean bag chair does not have a removable cover, you can air dry it as well.

Place the chair in a well-ventilated area and ensure that it is fully dry before using it again. Proper drying will help maintain the integrity of your bean bag chair and keep it in good condition.

Air Drying vs. Machine Drying

When it comes to drying your bean bag chair, air drying is generally the recommended method. Air drying allows for natural evaporation of moisture and prevents the fabric from shrinking or becoming damaged.

Hang the cover or chair in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, until it is completely dry. This may take a few days depending on the humidity level. Avoid machine drying as the heat can cause the fabric to shrink or become misshapen.

If your bean bag chair has a removable cover, ensure that the zipper is closed to prevent any damage or loss of filling. By air drying your bean bag chair, you can ensure that it dries properly and remains in good condition.

Preventing Mold and Mildew Growth

Preventing mold and mildew growth is crucial for maintaining your bean bag chair in good condition. Mold and mildew thrive in moist environments, so it's important to ensure that your bean bag is completely dry before using it or storing it away.

Proper air drying is essential to remove any moisture from the fabric. Avoid storing the bean bag in damp or humid areas, as this can promote mold and mildew growth. If you notice any signs of mold or mildew on your bean bag chair, it's important to take immediate action.

Thoroughly clean and dry the affected area, and consider using a mold and mildew cleaner or spray. Preventing mold and mildew growth will help prolong the life of your bean bag chair and keep it in good condition.

Maintaining Your Bean Bag Chair

Regular cleaning and maintenance are important for keeping your bean bag chair in good condition. Regularly spot-clean any spills or stains to prevent them from becoming permanent. Use protective measures to protect your bean bag chair from pets and spills, such as using a removable cover or placing a towel over the chair.

Vacuum or wipe down the chair regularly to remove any dirt or debris. By maintaining your bean bag chair, you can ensure that it remains clean, comfortable, and in good condition for years to come.

Regular Cleaning Schedule

Establishing a regular cleaning schedule for your bean bag chair is important for its maintenance and keeping it in good condition. Aim to spot clean any spills or stains as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting in.

Regularly vacuum or wipe down the chair to remove any dirt or debris. Depending on usage and the level of dirt or stains, you may need to deep clean your bean bag chair every few months or as needed.

A regular cleaning schedule will make the cleaning process easier and more efficient, ensuring that your bean bag chair remains in good condition and lasts for a long time.

Protecting from Pets and Spills

Protecting your bean bag chair from pets and spills is essential for maintaining its cleanliness and durability.

Consider using protective measures such as a removable cover that can be easily removed and washed in case of accidents or spills. Placing a towel or blanket over the chair when pets are present can provide an extra layer of protection.

Additionally, investing in a pool bean bag specifically designed for outdoor use can also protect against spills and damage from water or other outdoor elements.

By taking these protective measures, you can ensure that your bean bag chair remains clean and in good condition, even with pets and potential spills.


Cleaning your bean bag chair is a breeze with these quick and easy tips. Understanding the fabric of your bean bag is crucial for proper care. From pre-cleaning steps to spot cleaning and deep cleaning methods, we've got you covered.

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and use gentle DIY solutions. Whether air or machine drying, ensure it's done properly to prevent mold growth.

Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule and protecting from pets and spills will extend the lifespan of your cozy bean bag. Have questions? We've answered common queries for your convenience. Enjoy a fresh and clean bean bag chair!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Bleach on My Bean Bag Chair?

No, it is not recommended to use bleach on your bean bag chair. Bleach contains harsh chemicals that can damage the color and fabric of the chair. Instead, opt for mild detergents and cleaning solutions specifically designed for the type of fabric your bean bag chair is made of.

How Often Should I Clean My Bean Bag Chair?

The frequency of cleaning your bean bag chair will depend on its usage and the level of dirt or stains. Spot clean any spills or stains as soon as they occur and regularly vacuum or wipe down the chair to remove dirt and debris. Deep cleaning can be done every few months or as needed. Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule will ensure your bean bag chair remains in good condition and is easy to clean.

What Should I Do If My Bean Bag Gets Wet?

If your bean bag gets wet, it's important to dry it thoroughly to prevent moisture buildup and the growth of mold and mildew. Remove the outer cover if possible and air dry it in a well-ventilated area. If the inner filling gets wet, remove it and allow it to dry separately.

Are There Any Professional Cleaning Services for Bean Bag Chairs?

Yes, there are professional cleaning services available for bean bag chairs. These services specialize in stain removal and overall cleaning of bean bag chairs. They have the expertise and equipment to deep clean and restore your bean bag chair to its original condition. Professional cleaning can be a good option if you have tough stains or if you want a thorough cleaning for your bean bag chair.

How Can I Prevent My Bean Bag Chair from Getting Dirty?

To prevent your bean bag chair from getting dirty, consider using protective measures such as a removable cover that can be easily cleaned. Avoid eating or drinking on the chair to minimize the risk of spills. Placing a towel or blanket over the chair when pets are present can also help prevent dirt and stains. Taking these preventive measures can keep your bean bag chair cleaner for longer.